Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tongariro National Park

After our unexpectedly great time in Wanganui, we headed up the Wanganui River Road - a scenic route following along the river.  There were some beautiful views along the way.

Our trusty, if a bit aged and for the aged, rental car.  We call him "Gramps."

NZ has animals other than sheep? At least these appear shear-able.

In Jerusalem, a town along the way, there is a nicely maintained church only accessible by a gravel road.  There used to be a convent here, but it is now shut down.

Maori art at the altar.

And hanging above the entry way.

As we made our way out of the river valley, we saw these mountains waiting for us in the distance...

Ruapehu (covered in snow), Ngauruhoe (cone to the left), and Tongariro (ridge just left of that), are the three big, active volcanic peaks in Tongariro National Park, our next destination.  We planned to spend two nights in the cleverly-named National Park Village, and to do a big hike while there.  (These peaks are part of the Pacific Ring Of Fire that runs in a straight line from these volcanoes north through Rotorua, and is responsible for that region's famous geysers, boiling mud pools and hot springs.)

Mt. Ngauruhoe - used as Mt. Doom in the Lord Of The Rings movies

National Park Village is a cute but quiet little town - not much to do if you're not planning on hiking.  This cute wooden kiwi awaited our arrival.

The next day we would head for the hills to do the Tongariro Alpine Crossing!  At least, the portion that was still open - you can't complete the crossing right now because the back side of Mt. Tongariro erupted in November, 2012 and is still gushing tons of semi-toxic gases in close vicinity to he trail.  But an up-and-back trip would include most of the good stuff anyway.

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